Publication of an article written by Xavier Henry in the legal journal Les Petites Affiches of March 12, 2019 about a judgment rendered by the Court of Appeal of Paris on October 3, 2018 entitled “Franchise Agreement: analysis by the court of Paris of several behaviors and clauses” (LPA 12 March 2019, n ° 51, article n ° 142n8, p.5).

According to a judgment dated 3 October 2018, the Court of Appeal of Paris had to settle a dispute between a franchisor and a franchisee in the field of mass distribution which leads the court to examine several aspects of the franchisor / franchisee relationship such as the franchisee’s economic dependence vis-à-vis its franchisor, the practice of prices between the parties or the post-contractual non-competition clause. The answers given by the court on these various questions make it possible to broaden the legal analysis of relations between franchisors and franchisees and more generally between suppliers and distributors.

Contrat de franchise analyse par la cour d’appel de Paris de quelques comportements et clauses » (LPA 12 mars 2019, n° 51, article n° 142n8, p. 5)
