The Firm focuses on business law, in particular economic law (competition, distribution and consumer affairs).
The partners have a proven expertise in:

The partners also assist companies to train their employees, enabling them to answer the claims and inquiries of the administration or regulation authorities.
Anticompetitive practices (cartel, abuse of dominant position) and merger control
Advice to companies in setting-up their projects in accordance with the competition rules, and defense of companies prosecuted for breaches of these rules.
Action for damages of victims of anticompetitive practices. -
Restrictive practices (general terms and conditions of sales, pricing practices)
Assistance to companies in the drafting of their sales terms and conditions and purchase terms and conditions, and in case of claim from an operator or the administration.
Unfair competition and parasitism
Prior analysis of the risks related to advertising campaigns, the hiring of a competitor’s employees, customer canvassing, disparagement of a company…
Representation of companies in court when they challenge the behavior of an operator or when an action is brought against them for unfair competition or parasitism.
Drafting commercial contracts / creating and reorganizing distribution network
Review of compliance of commercial contracts with the rules of civil and commercial law, competition law, and in particular the EU exemption regulations.
Implementation of appropriate legal tools in order to create distribution networks (selective and exclusive distribution, franchise, commercial agency, membership) or to reorganize them (termination of contracts, refusal to contract…)
Termination of contracts and commercial relations
Assistance to companies in case of termination of contracts (length of notice period, compensation) upstream (advice) and downstream (litigation).
Debt enforcement and court actions for payment
Calling in guarantees amicably or before court
Bankruptcy proceedings (statement of indebtedness, claim for recovery of property,…)
Professional/consumer relations
Drafting of contractual documents and defense of companies in case of actions from consumers or consumer associations.
Business criminal law
Assistance to companies and their senior managers before criminal courts.